● Silicic acid propertied fertilizer is a soil conditioner containing the processed factors of standards such
as silicic acid of 25%, alkaline powder (lime) of 40% and magnesium oxide of 2~4%, and micro-factors
such as manganese of 0.9%, iron of 1%, copper, zinc, molybdenum and boron hydride. Plant
assimilates a lot of silicic acid and silicic acid reinforces the pest and lodging tolerance, and makes rice
strong. Alkaline property change acidity into neutrality. Magnesium oxide makes its taste delicious.
Boron hydride is necessary for the plants such as radish, cabbage and rape.
● Silicic acid property has slow release fact. Its slow efficacy of neutralizing the acid in the soil lasts so
long, refrain the excessive absorption of nitrogen and enhances the efficacy of fertilizer.
● Silicic acid propertied fertilizer is specially effective on the paddy where sandy soil, humus soil, cold
watering paddy, paddy depending on rainfall for water supplying, rice blight braving paddy, readjusted
paddy. Among the products on the dry field, Poaceae vegetable crops such as dry-field rice, barley,
corn, lawn, pasturage, bamboo tree, and Cucurbitaceous vegetable crops such as cucumber, water
melon, pumpkin and melon absorb a lot of silicic acid.
● Silicic acid is fertilizer factor containing no excess disorder. Especially, in case silicic acid is applied on
the paddy, you can increase the amount of nitrogen and the pest and lodging tolerance can increase,
so safe production is available.
● By using silicate fertilizer, besides economical efficacy, as the quality of rice and its taste has enhanced, it shall become helpful for the export of rice. Moreover, as chemical fertilizer gets decreased and the quality of soil in the paddy becomes enhanced, farmers’ health will be better owing to the environmental-friendly production. The reason why FAO and WTO admit quality of the rice and the government bought it lies on its originality of production, that is, it has produced environmental-friendly.